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This particular problem can occur with any DOS or 16-bit Windows application under Windows XP. For more information, see the Microsoft KnowledgeBase article on this subject. Note that, if you are using the FIX8X14 - 8x14 font fixer, you may have to add a line to config.nt (created the same way and stored in the same place) referring to the driver, in order to get it to work. Follow the directions in the fix8x14.txt file of the fix package to add the correct line to config.nt.
Q: I" m="" having="" a="" problem="" running="" miracle="" windows="" under="" xp, 2000, Vista or Windows 7. Is there a solution?
A: Visitors to PEP have reported various types of problems running in XP and later versions of Windows. Generally speaking, for older Windows 3.x (16-bit) programs like the Miracle software for Windows, the best approach is to try to run the program in XP and later versions' 'Compatibility Mode.' Go to your Miracle program shortcut, right click on the Miracle shortcut, and select Properties from the popup menu. This will bring up a tabbed display. Go to the Compatibility tab and check the Compatibility mode box. Choose Windows 95 compatibility mode. Then click on OK to exit this. Now try to run the Miracle. With luck, you may now have the computer talking to the keyboard. If not go back to the Miracle shortcut, right click again to bring up the context menu., choose Properties again and select the Shortcut tab. Click on the Advanced ... button. Check the Run in separate memory space box, then OK out of all these windows and try again. Since no significant changes are made to your machine when using Compatibility Mode, you can try the various Windows versions available in Compatibility Mode in turn, if the version you choose doesn't help. If you are among the 10 people in the world who really like editing the Windows Registry directly, you can use regedit as described in this Microsoft article to add or modify Registry keys governing compatibility. Don't do it this way unless you are thoroughly familiar with reading and editing the Registry.
For more information on getting the Miracle and other older software programs to run on Windows XP and Vista and additional information regarding enabling Compatibility Mode in Windows 2000, see our Music and the Home Computer article, Old Music Software On New Computers.
Many Miracle users, especially those with the DOS version, will find it simpler and faster to use the DOSBox environment to run the Miracle software, rather than trying to work through all the problems running the Miracle in the newer versions of Windows. This option is further explained below and in our Miracle Piano DOS in DOSBox FAQ.
Q: I'm having trouble in the DOS version of the Miracle software with garbled characters in some Miracle menu displays under Windows 9x, 2000, XP or later versions of Windows. Can you help?
A: Numerous users have reported that they are having problems with DOS Miracle in recent versions of Windows, mostly with 'scrambled' characters in certain parts of the program display. This is not due to 'defective' diskettes or a problem with the operating system. We have learned, thanks to a note from a visitor to PEP, that the problem with 'scrambled characters' is due to the fact that support for the 8x14 pixel font, used by the Miracle software, has been eliminated from many modern graphics cards. Thus, this is a hardware, rather than software issue. Fortunately there is a free fix available for this in the form of an installable DOS device driver that restores 8x14 font support. You can find out more about this, as well as download a fix, at FIX8X14 - 8x14 font fixer. A different fix, based on a TSR program, TSRFONT.COM, rather than a device driver, can be found here, along with some discussion of the nature of the problem. Several visitors to PEP have reported that this fix worked well on their systems and its manufacturer reports that it has tested this fix on the Miracle software and shown it to work. We have tested it successfully personally, but visitors should use due care and follow the provided installation instructions for applying it. If you use the DOSBox emulator, this font fix isn't required on most systems, since the emulator provides support for the missing font.
Q: The metronome in the Miracle DOS version moves in jerks or stops entirely under Windows XP. Is there a solution to this?
A: The performance of this animation and others in the Miracle may be adversely affected because DOS applications inherently assume that they will get the processor's undivided attention all the time. In multitasking operating systems like Windows, this is usually not the case, since applications divide CPU cycles. Here are some things to do to work around the problem:
Go to the Miracle program shortcut (which you will have to create yourself, since DOS programs don't do this automatically), right click on it and select Properties from the popup menu. This will bring up the Miracle Piano Properties window. Click the Misc tab and set the Idle Sensitivity to Low. Go to the Compatibility tab and check the Compatibility mode box. Choose Windows 95 compatibility mode. OK out of all the windows. This will cause the operating system to devote more CPU cycles to the Miracle, allowing the screen and metronome to be updated more frequently. It will also reduce the resources to other Windows programs running in the background while you're running the Miracle.
Another thing you can try is to click on the Compatibility tab and select Run in 256 colors (the native screen color depth of the Miracle). This will cause the screen to be updated slightly more rapidly, simply because the color depth is lower.
If these don't work (try them one at a time in that order), click on the Program tab in the Properties window, then on the Advanced button. This will bring up the Windows PIF Settings dialog. Make sure Compatible timer hardware emulation is selected, then OK out of all the windows and test the Miracle again.
If none of these expedients work for you, then your best bets are to either use the DOSBox emulator or to create a DOS boot disk and run the program directly from DOS.
Q: When the 'Ducks' game in the Windows version of the Miracle is played on a modern computer, the ducks fly by at lightning speed! How does one 'slow down' the ducks to 'less than breakneck' speed?Q: Will the Miracle software run under Vista?
A: This section describes limited personal experience with the Miracle under Vista®, Home Premium Edition (32-bit).Miracle for Windows seems to work fine under Vista. MIDI output and screen display are fine. Initially there were problems getting the program to install, producing Error 106 (not able to find a necessary file). I solved this by changing 'ownership' of the install files to myself (not just the Administrators group). The program then installed just fine. Ownership is a part of both Windows XP and Vista security; it's just harder to find the right dialog under Vista. Changing ownership is described in Vista Help and often allows programs that are balky to run under Vista. I didn't need the Program Compatibility Wizard to get the program to install or run, once I changed ownership of the files. I did have to change the MIDI Out driver using Control Panel,Sounds to the one my sound card uses in order to get sound from the computer speakers. I have not tested keyboard communication with the Windows version, but suspect that it will work.
The Miracle DOS program is so old that it is hard-coded to install from diskettes. My Vista computer doesn't have a diskette drive, but I solved this problem by installing the Miracle to a computer that does have a diskette drive, then transferring the installed files over my network to my Vista computer. This works for getting the program installed successfully, because the Miracle DOS doesn't make any entries in the Windows Registry that have to be transferred. If you don't have a diskette drive on any computer you own, USB diskette or diskette/card reader combo drives are an easy solution and readily found online for under $20.
Unfortunately, the Miracle DOS program doesn't run correctly under Vista. It gives an error 'this program does not support fullscreen mode'. As described in the relevant Microsoft Knowledgebase article, this problem is not directly solvable in 64-bit versions of Vista, because Vista 64-bit doesn't support 16-bit DOS applications like the Miracle at all. Miracle owners can use DOSBox (see below) to run the Miracle in Vista in both 32-bit and 64-bit Vista.
For the 32-bit Vista versions (most people have 32-bit Vista), the Windows Vista video drivers don't support all DOS video modes, thus producing the error. Microsoft suggests a workaround of installing the Windows XP drivers for your video adapter. I haven't tried this, but if you're really desperate to get the Miracle DOS to run under Vista, this is a workable approach. Another one would be to boot from a diskette (if your Vista machine has one!) or CD-ROM and then run the Miracle from the command line. Note that this 'fullscreen mode' problem is not the same as the one fixed under XP by the FIX8X14 driver mentioned below. Installing this driver does not solve the 'fullscreen mode' problem under Vista. See below for another good option in getting the Miracle to run under Vista.
Q: Will the Miracle software run under Windows 7?
A: We have not tested the either PC version of the Miracle under native Windows 7, although we have recently learned that at least one visitor has successfully run the Miracle software in the XP Compatibility Mode of Windows 7 Home and Professional. However, since Windows 7 shares many functions and a similar kernel with Vista, we suspect it will run with the same limitations and restrictions that the Miracle has under Vista. Those who use the DOSBox operating environment (see below) to run the Miracle will find that the Miracle and DOSBox work fine together in both 32 and 64-bit Windows 7.
If you can't solve the problems you are having with the Miracle adequately on your system (mostly on slower computers), you can always create an MS-DOS boot disk and boot the computer from it, then load the Miracle Piano software from the command prompt (A:>). Creating an MS-DOS boot disk is also a good way to diagnose problems with getting the Miracle software to install and getting the keyboard to communicate with the computer. The boot disk approach removes all the difficulties associated with getting real-mode DOS software to work under protected-mode operating systems like Windows Vista, XP and Windows 2000. Using an MS-DOS boot disk is the best way to find out if your Miracle software problem is due to interaction with Windows or faulty software from a degraded original diskette.
You can create an MS-DOS startup disk in Windows XP by placing a diskette in your A: drive, starting Windows Explorer (in the Accessories folder), opening My Computer in the left pane and clicking on A: with the right mouse button. This will bring up a menu; choose Format .... from this menu. Another window will come up. Make sure the Create an MS-DOS startup disk option is checked, then click OK to format the disk and copy the system startup files. You should be able to boot with this diskette, by restarting the computer with it in your diskette drive. Once the computer is booted, just give the following commands at the command prompt (without the italicized explanatory text), pressing Enter after each line:
(changes the default disk to the hard disk)CDMIRACLE
(changes the default directory to the Miracle directory)MIRACLE
(starts the Miracle)
If you only use the boot disk for the Miracle, you can put these commands (without the explanatory text) into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the diskette to start the Miracle automatically when you use the diskette. Simply add the lines above to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file using any ASCII editor (e.g. Notepad). You can also use your word processor to do this, but you must use the Save As... command to save the file as ASCII text format, not the word processor's native non-ASCII format.
If you find that you cannot access the hard disk with your MS-DOS boot diskette, it may be that you are using special hard disk partitioning software like RAID (Redundant Array of Identical Disks) or GoBack® that places the partitioning software in a small MS-DOS accessible partition and puts the rest of the disk's data in a partition only accessible through that software. Usually, if that is the case, a quick prompt will appear during startup that asks you to press the Space Bar or some other key to boot from diskette. This allows the partitioning software to load before boot, allowing you to access the hard disk from your MS-DOS boot disk. Check your computer documentation to see if your system uses proprietary partitioning software, if you can't access your hard disk from the boot disk.
Q: I can't solve the DOS Miracle's problems with XP or Vista. Do I have any options?
A: Surprisingly, there is another good option that really works. I have tested the Miracle DOS version on a Windows Vista machine (the one which give the 'fullscreen mode' error described above), using a DOS emulator called DOSBox. This emulator simulates DOS in a window, not only in 32-bit Windows (including Vista and 7), but in 64-bit Windows (including Vista and 7), Mac OS X, several flavors of Linux, and a couple of other, rarer operating systems. It's completely free to download DOSBox under the GNU license. DOSBox is slightly more complicated to use than native DOS, but, chances are you'll spend less time getting the Miracle up and running in DOSBox than you will trying to solve the problems in native XP or Vista. I have tested the Miracle DOS, several DOS games and a few business applications in DOSBox running under Vista with good success. There is also a very good DOSBoxWiki on installation and setup to help you get started. Because DOSBox runs in a window under the host operating system, there is no need to use a boot diskette or any special configuration procedures for the operating system.
The DOSBox environment provides good support for sound and MIDI input. Programs running in the DOSBox can be run either full screen or in a window. Simple modifications to a single ASCII text configuration file, dosbox.conf, allow one to change window sizes, support different hardware and change many other operating parameters. Documentation for configuration changes is included in comments within the dosbos.conf file. Vista and Windows 7 users will have to give themselves explicit permission (from the Properties popup menu) in order to edit dosbox.conf. Nearly all of our visitors who have reported trying the Miracle with DOSBox have had success. In our experience, the Miracle 'font fixer' described above is not needed with DOSBox. For those who would like more information about using the Miracle in DOSBox, we have prepared a Miracle Piano DOS in DOSBox FAQ with tips on how to use and configure DOSBox specifically for the Miracle Piano DOS software, as well as for other DOS software.
Q: I have a Miracle Piano problem not covered in this FAQ. Can you help me?
A: Perhaps. While we don't have total knowledge of Miracle technical matters, we will try to help within the limits of our knowledge. When you report a Miracle problem to us, you can save yourself and us a lot of time by giving us some basic information: what computer type you're using (Mac or IBM-compatible), what operating system (Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, XP, 2000, Vista or Mac OS), your Miracle software type (DOS, Windows, or Mac) and its version (from the Help,About menu or the program disks) on our Miracle problem report form. If you're having sound problems and you've established that you can play sound offline, also tell us what type of sound card and speakers you have. Please note that we cannot solve hardware-related problems; these are best directed to the manufacturer of the hardware.
Q: I have a problem with some other piano software that is no longer manufactured. Can you help me with it?
A: Almost certainly not. The programming and requirements of every piano software package are unique in some way or another. This makes it almost impossible for us to help, even though we may have reviewed the package at some time in the past when it was still sold. The Internet Archivehas over 150 billion web pages archived, so you have a good chance of finding a tech support archive for defunct manufacturers of software there. Just use the 'Wayback Machine' to search for the company's URL. If you're lucky, you'll find a tech support archive. Chances are that if you're having a problem, others are, too. Finally, if you're having trouble with a program in a newer operating system like Windows 2000, XP or later versions, you might want to read our article,Old Music Software On New Computers, which explains why older software often fails with these operating systems and provides tips on getting older software to run under them.
Q: Can any of the tips you offer about getting the Miracle system to run on a modern computer be applied to other old software programs?
A: Many of the answers we provide for getting the Miracle to run under Windows XP and Windows 2000 are 'generic,' in that they constitute accepted strategies for getting all kinds of old software to run under XP or Vista on modern computers. To that extent, they may well work for other old software, particularly DOS software. We do not warrant that those strategies will work for different software packages, any more than we warrant it for your installation of the Miracle software on your computer. Fortunately, following most of the tips we provide will not harm your system or software installed on it. If you find that a particular strategy doesn't work for your particular software on your computer, you can easily reverse the changes you have made.
Problem ReportsReport a Miracle problem to us on our Miracle problem report form. Please use that form, fully filled out, to report problems or ask questions, since it will help make sure that you give us the necessary information to assist. Where possible, we'll do our best to help. Miracle problem report form |
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